Thursday, August 12, 2010

Walk up evangelism

I had my first walk up evangelism yesterday. Though I have done advertising and things like that before, it was only things like handing out lollies and cards and flyers, not really talking to strangers. So actually walking up to a stranger was a bit intimidating for me.
But it was pretty interesting having some that were open, but also some who were rather against it or had other beliefs.
I also managed to do the 'Two Ways to Live' with a female international student, which I'm pretty happy about. Though the girl didn't really have much opinion about this sort of thing, though she said that some of her friends who were Christians were nice and do things together.

Thank God for giving me this opportunity and pray that he gives me more opportunities and courage to talk to people and evangelise.


  1. Hi Als.

    Just stumbled upon your blog while browsing. Its really exciting to see a Christian actively sharing their experiences with the world. I noticed that you havent been posting in the new year, and so i would just like to encourage you to continue posting your reflections because you never know when someone might read something you say and really take it to heart :D Because at the end of the day, we have been presented with this Good News, and it is our duty to spread it to the rest of the world.


  2. Hi Mike,
    Thanks for the encouragement, I've just been really busy lately. but I will definitely begin regularly posting again soon.
    God bless,
    - Alison
